



1.     L. M. Wang, Z. M. Zhang, Y. C.   Liu, B. R. Wang, L. Fang, J. J. Qiu, K. Zhang, S. R. Wang, Exceptional thermoelectric properties of flexible   organic-inorganic hybrids with nanodispersed and periodic nanophase,Nature Communications2018, 9, 3817.

2.      L. M. Wang,   Z. M. Zhang, L. X. Geng, T. Y. Yuan, Y. C. Liu, J. C. Guo, L. Fang, J. J. Qiu,   S. R. Wang, Solution-printable fullerene/TiS2   organic/inorganic hybrids for high-performance flexible n-type   thermoelectrics,Energy & Environmental Science2018, 11, 1307.    

3.      J. K. Chen#, L.   M. Wang#, D. D. Ren, Y. H. Chu, Y. Wu, K. K. Meng, J. Miao, X. G. Xu,   Y. Jiang,<a href=#, L. M. Wang#, X. Li, Y. C. Liu, Z. M. Zhang,   E. Hedrick, S. Safe, S. R. Wang, <a href=#, L.   M. Wang#, X. C. Gui, D. D. Ren, Y. H. Chu, Y. Wu, K. K. Meng, J. Miao,   X. G. Xu, Y. Jiang,<a href=#, L. M. Wang#, X.   C. Gui, Z. Q. Lin, X. Y. Ke, F. Hao, Y. L. Li, Y. Jiang, Y. Wu, X. Shi, L. D.   Chen, Strong anisotropy in thermoelectric properties of CNT/PANI   composites, Carbon2017, 114, 1.

4.        L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, S. Y. Qu,   L. D. Chen, Influence of electronic type of SWNTs on the   thermoelectric properties of SWNTs/PANI composite films, Organic Electronics2016, 39, 146.

5.        S. Y. Qu,   Q. Yao, W. Shi, L. M. Wang,   L. D. Chen, The influence of molecular configuration on the thermoelectrical   properties of poly(3-hexylthiophene), Journal of Electronic Materials2016, 45, 1389.

6.        S. Y. Qu,   Q. Yao, L. M. Wang, Z. H.   Chen, K. Q. Xu, H. R. Zeng, W. Shi, T. S. Zhang, C. Uher, L. D. Chen, Highly   anisotropic P3HT films with enhanced thermoelectric performance via organic   small molecule epitaxy, NPG Asia Materials2016, 8, e292.

7.        L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, J. X.   Xiao, K. Y. Zeng, S. Y. Qu, W. Shi, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, Engineered molecular chain ordering in SWNTs/PANI composite films for   high-performance organic thermoelectric materials,Chemistry-An Asian Journal2016, 11, 1804.

8.        L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, J. X.   Xiao, K. Y. Zeng, W. Shi, S. Y. Qu, L. D. Chen, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of polyaniline nanofilms induced by   self-assembled supramolecules,Chemistry-An Asian Journal2016, 11, 1955.

9.        L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, H. Bi, F.   Q. Huang, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, PANI/graphene nanocomposite films with high thermoelectric properties   by enhanced molecular ordering,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2015, 3, 7086.

10.        L. M. Wang,   Q. Yao, H. Bi, F. Q. Huang, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, Large thermoelectric power factor in   polyaniline/graphene nanocomposite films prepared by solution-assistant   dispersing method,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2014, 2, 11107.

11.      Q. Yao, Q. Wang, L.   M. Wang, L. D. Chen, Abnormally enhanced thermoelectric transport   properties of SWNT/PANI hybrid films by the strengthened PANI molecular   ordering, Energy & Environmental Science2014, 7, 3801.

12.        Q. Yao, Q. Wang, L.   M. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Sun, H. R. Zeng, Z. Y. Jin, X. L. Huang, L. D.   Chen, The synergic regulation of conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in pure   polyaniline by chemically changing the ordered degree of molecular chains, Journal   of Materials Chemistry A2014,   2, 2634.

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